
How to established a routine to train your dog?

All dogs need proper training. Whether you are sharing your home with a new puppy or an adult dog, it's never too soon to start training your dog. And most dogs are happier with the structure and confidence that comes from training. It can feel overwhelming when you first begin to work on dog training. If you're unsure where to begin, develop a week-by-week schedule to help you get organized. Each week, choose one or two basic commands to work on. Plan to make some adjustments to your dog's environment in order to prevent or modify behavior problems. Introduce the Crate If you haven't already been using a crate, this is a good time to get your dog used to it. The crate is a good tool to manage your dog's behavior when you aren't there to supervise. Take a little time each day this week to let your dog get used to the crate, and begin letting it sit in there for a few minutes at a time. The dog may eventually prefer to sleep in its crate. Start leaving the...

Common dog training mistakes

 Are you training your dog in the best way possible? The fact that you are training your dog in the first place means you're doing something right. Don't let minor mishaps get in the way. Though they may seem insignificant, you may be surprised to learn that certain factors can slow down your dog's progress. Here are the most common mistakes people make during dog training. Are you guilty of any of these dog training mistakes? Waiting Too Long to Start Training Young puppies might not be ready to learn advanced actions, but you should begin to work on house training and basic commands. Over time, you will you forge a deeper bond with your dog. He will mature and grow accustomed to the routine of training sessions. Then, you can try fun things like dog tricks and advanced training (like agility or therapy). bikejoring equipment Not Training Enough Training is not something you can do once and be done with it. You will get the best results if you train your...

How to train your dog well-behaved?

 A lot of people think that I’m a dog trainer, but that’s not what I do. I’m a dog behaviorist, which means that I rehabilitate dogs, and I train people. It’s an important distinction, and one that can be hard for people to understand. “But Cesar,” people say, “You get the dog to behave. Isn’t that the same thing as training?” Related: Pack Leadership Technique 3: Establish rules, boundaries and limitations. The short answer is, “No.” Now here’s the longer answer. I’ve seen very well-trained dogs that still had behavioral issues. These dogs could do a lot of tricks, like sit, shake hands, roll over, or fetch — but still chewed up shoes and furniture, still barked non-stop, and still pulled on the walk. The purpose of dog training Training is meant to teach a dog to perform a specific task when given a specific stimulus. It’s the process of associating, say, a word with a behavior. The most common form of training is positive reinforcement. If the dog does the trick, the dog gets a...

Hоw to choose dоg trainer fоr уоur рuрру?

Mоѕt dog оwnеrѕ know thаt it’ѕ a lоt easier tо trаin dоgѕ when they аrе уоungеr, but they’re nоt rеаllу ѕurе how tо go аbоut it аnd whаt thеу ѕhоuld look fоr whеn ѕееking оut a trаinеr. Tоdау, we’re going tо talk аbоut hоw (and whеn) you should go аbоut getting уоur puppy рrоfеѕѕiоnаllу trаinеd. Enѕurе health firѕt Bеfоrе ѕееking оut any kind of trаining or classes, аlwауѕ mаkе ѕurе thаt уоur рuр iѕ uр to date оn hiѕ оr hеr vaccinations аnd dоеѕn’t hаvе any оthеr concerning hеаlth issues. The lаѕt thing you want tо dо iѕ expose уоur dоg — оr other dоgѕ — to роtеntiаl illness оr injurу. Stаrt аt the right timе Whilе “thе younger, the bеttеr” is largely true, there аrе still optimal times fоr ѕееking оut trаining for your рuр. Fоr еxаmрlе, whilе rеgulаr trаining сlаѕѕеѕ tурiсаllу shouldn’t bе started until уоur рuрру is аt lеаѕt 6 mоnthѕ оld, there аrе ѕресifiс “puppy trаining” сlаѕѕеѕ аvаilаblе for vеrу young dоgѕ. Your рuр should еnrоll in this type оf class frоm 8 tо 16 wееkѕ оf age....

Preseason Training for Your Dog

 Long before fall arrives, serious sporting dog enthusiasts have been working to get their dogs ready. In reality, they never let up from conditioning/training mode, though the intensity of their day-to-day routine may relent a bit in the off-season. Preseason training varies by age, experience and individual dog, yet experts agree success results when a program focuses on optimal training, conditioning and nutrition. Regardless of the sport, these components are essential when it comes to developing a dog for hunting or field trials. Purina Senior Manager of the Sporting Group Karl Gunzer says, “Dogs need to be in good physical condition going into the season, which means owners and trainers should focus on getting a dog into top condition weeks ahead of opening day. Those who build a performance platform that balances training, conditioning and nutrition are enabling a dog to be its best.” A pro trainer of retrievers for 20 years, Gunzer understands the rigorous requirements on ...

How to prepare your dog for spring?

Spring is just around the corner! The mild temperatures boost our craving for outdoor activities, and the opportunity to discover new territory with our dogs as well as new kinds of sports and game ideas. With our 6 quick tips, you and your four-legged friend will quickly get fit for spring, ready to enjoy the new season. 1. Discovering new sports with your dog Come springtime, most dog schools offer agility courses for beginners. Scampering over hurdles in a race against time, balancing on see-saws, creeping through tunnels and coursing through slaloms – these kinds of challenges prove to be great fun for the majority of dogs. And because their owners have to run along alongside them, this helps to keep everyone fit! Agility, like most types of dog sports, involves physical fitness that strengthens the bond between a dog and his owner. Dummy training is another great way for your dog to burn up energy. It’s the ideal form of entertainment for dogs who love retrieving games. The sport...

How to keep your dog feet and healthy?

 Exercise and dog health Keeping fit is as important for healthy dogs as it is for you. A healthy dog will enjoy an exercise regime that keeps them in shape and give them lots of ways to play and interact with you. It will also help puppies stay full of energy, and builds a strong immune system that means a dog of any age is less likely to fall ill. Your dog loves to play and be friends with you, but some breeds won’t want to stop even when they’re very tired – think about their limits and be careful not to over-exercise them. If you are not sure how much to exercise your puppy or dog, ask your vet about how much your dog needs. This is particularly important if you own a breed known to have orthopaedic problems, for example a Labrador Retriever or a large or giant breed, as their requirements may be different from smaller or toy breeds. Puppy exercise When you start getting to know your new healthy puppy, their exercise needs are easily met as they play in the garden or a park. (...