How to Keep your dog fit and healthy?

Exercise and dog health

Keeping fit is as important for healthy dogs as it is for you. A healthy dog will enjoy an exercise regime that keeps them in shape and give them lots of ways to play and interact with you. It will also help puppies stay full of energy, and builds a strong immune system that means a dog of any age is less likely to fall ill.

Your dog loves to play and be friends with you, but some breeds won’t want to stop even when they’re very tired – think about their limits and be careful not to over-exercise them. If you are not sure how much to exercise your puppy or dog, ask your vet about how much your dog needs.

This is particularly important if you own a breed known to have orthopaedic problems, for example a Labrador Retriever or a large or giant breed, as their requirements may be different from smaller or toy breeds.

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Puppy exercise

When you start getting to know your new healthy puppy, their exercise needs are easily met as they play in the garden or a park. (Although make sure they’ve had all the right vaccinations before they go into the big wide world.) On the other hand, your breeder may give you a suitable exercise programme to follow – if they don’t, just ask for one or consult your vet.

Apart from keeping your pup in top condition, exercise also provides a vital way to socialise and play freely with other dogs and people, which can also turn into an opportunity to start training your puppy. Just remember to avoid extremely rough play, especially with larger breeds, as it can damage growing joints. You can read about training your puppy to walk on a lead and other general puppy training tips to find out more.

Variety is the spice of life, so keep your puppy’s exercise and dog fitness routine interesting. Playing chase games with balls and toys (avoiding sticks, which can splinter and cause injury) can really help retain your puppy's interest in their exercise, and they’ll love the interaction with you as well. If you live in the country, include some road walking to keep your puppy or your dog’s nails trim. It will get them used to different environments and improve their behaviour on the lead, too.

If your dog is of a breed that likes a lot of exercise, why not take them to a class or choose a specific form of training that makes the best of their characteristics? After all, a healthy dog is a fulfilled dog, too! For example, if you have a Border Collie, they’ll be naturally good at obedience and agility classes, as well as playing exciting games like dog flyball. Labradors and Spaniels, on the other hand, make excellent retrievers. Even Terriers have a lot of agility behind that adorable look! Ask your breeder about the training your dog will like best, or do some research into clubs and dog sports – they’re a great way for your dog and you to meet others, too.

As well as playing on dry land, your dog’s health can benefit from being in the water too. Is there a canine swimming pool near you, for example? Some breeds, such as Newfoundlands and Retrievers, love to practice their doggie paddle and will happily splash around for ages! Just remember that dogs can get into trouble swimming in places where there are depth changes and currents (like rivers or the sea) so stick to a hydrotherapy pool.

Before you bring your adorable new puppy home, you should register with a local vet to make sure you’re prepared. When you have your new puppy, arrange an appointment and let them know it's a new puppy health check. Your vet may want to allocate your puppy a bit more time than the usual 10-minute consultation just to make sure everything starts off on the right foot.

At the surgery, carry your puppy into the surgery and keep them on your lap and away from other dogs. Don’t put them on the waiting-room scales or let them explore and sniff other dogs, especially if your puppy hasn’t been vaccinated (or hasn’t completed the whole course), as they are particularly susceptible to unwanted illnesses. Take some treats along to make the visit a positive one, and ask the vet or nurse to reward your puppy during the check-up as well – they’ll be happy to come back next time if they know treats are involved!

At their first consultation, your puppy will have a thorough examination and your vet will discuss vaccinations with you. Details of any previous treatments, which your breeder or the rescue centre should have supplied, will be useful to bring along. You’ll have a chat about common problems such as worming and fleas (which again your breeder or the rescue centre should have given you details of), as well as microchipping, neutering, and any questions you have about puppy health care. You might also talk about feeding, exercising and grooming.

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Remember to ask for details of puppy parties and dog-training classes held at the surgery or nearby, as these will help your puppy with training and becoming socialised. If your puppy is not already insured, discuss this too, as policies have different advantages and disadvantages – your vet can help you make a decision about what’s best for your puppy.
Regular check-ups

Of course, no matter how well you look after your canine friend, sometimes your puppy or dog might fall ill. The earlier a problem is identified, the sooner it can be treated and the sooner your puppy can get back to their usual, bouncy selves. This is why your pet will benefit from regular dog health checks at home, and it will get them used to being examined too.

If you’re carrying out your own dog health check, keeping an eye out for some common symptoms should alert you to anything that needs veterinary attention. Below are some useful points about what to look out for.


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